Sabtu, 15 April 2017

the task group on dialogue

Heri : hallo.
Hendi : How are you ?
Heri : I'm fine... by the way, what have a news ?
Hendi :oh...I see...Ithis look announcament about competition robot at PCC.
Heri : oh...competition robot?
Hendi : How we make a team to follow that competition.
Heri : may be....what robot want to make ?
Hendi : I think...what if we created robot that can detect the presence of terorists. what do you think ?
Heri : I think...what if we made a robot to hold the patient.
Hendi : its good idea, we aggreed to make a robot that you recommend but what do we want our robot to do ?
Heri :I think it should able  to carry the patient.
Hendi : what kind of features should we put on this robot.
Heri : it will have the ability to detect face and voice it will also have high capacity battery so it will last long.
Hendi : give it a name ?
Heri : nam robot is Riba.
Hendi : How much will it cost ?
Heri : I think should cost $3000
Hendi : ok...ready to make robot.

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susahnya mencari judul skripsi

assalam'mualaikum wr. wb. selamat sore.. saya mau cerita ni...sebelum nya saya mau memperkenalkan diri dulu... nama saya Heri priyant...